A Unique Archive
‘Little Spain’ is a documentary that offers, next to second-generation Spanish-American and Hispanic-American testimonies of what was like the neighborhood called Little Spain in the heart of Manhattan back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, also, and more importantly, a unique and fascinating archive that offers a clear, well-documented view of those decades and their precedents.
The research unveils a treasure trove of old photos and other documents. These photos are copyrighted material and can only be seen in this film. That is why the film has become a much-sought source for researchers, academic libraries, college libraries, specialized writers (of fiction and non-fiction) and public libraries across the USA. In 2016 Spanish writer María Dueñas purchased three copies of the film as part of her research for developing her best-selling novel “Las hijas del Capitán”. Robert Sanfiz , president of La Nacional in Manhattan, tells himself the history of that Spanish social and meeting point, and also reads the voice-over.
Among our clients are some of the most important and respected universities in the world, such as Columbia University in NYC, the School of Visual Arts of NYC, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Smith College, or The College of New Jersey, just to mention a few among hundreds.
The film was part of the Official Selection DOCUFICX of the Gijon International Film Festival in 2015, a FIAPF specialized cinematic competition. The film won the Latin ACE Award (Premios ACE, by the Association of Latin Entertainment Critics of New York) in 2015 for Best Documentary Film of 2014.
The film reviews have hailed the investigative and cinematic work as ‘a kind of masterpiece’ and ‘an aesthetic feat’ by such iconic critical voices as the Ph.D. Donald Kuspit, one of the most important American critics of the Postwar era.
The section Media Archive also offers a glimpse into the multiple media outlets that have featured, spoken of or just hailed the investigative and cinematic work of director and producer Arthur Balder.
We are currently only accepting payments sent safely by check to our P. O. BOX, or wire transfers.
Contact us at dvd@littlespainfilm.com anytime, or by mail:
P.O.BOX 365
“Little Spain is an aesthetic feat, it shows Balder’s mastery of his medium, it is a work of art.”
Read the review on the film by Donald Kuspit, one of the most important American critics of our era.
“Little Spain shows that a documentary film need not be simplistically descriptive, but can be an aesthetic feat respecting the subtlety of the “moving” medium. Editing is a creative activity, a matter of aesthetic as well as informational choices; Balder’s documentary is a work of art, moving subtly between different situations and individuals, showing their relationship with formal acumen as well as empirical accuracy. “Little Spain” is a kind of masterpiece, in that it masters its subject matter even as it shows Balder’s mastery of his medium.”
By Donald Kuspit, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art History and Philosophy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Film review published by El Cultural & La Voz Hispana de Nueva York (Spanish translation, see Media Archive files), and The Huffington Post, USA edition (original in English).
Purchasing the right license
Academic & College
***License for Teaching and Classroom, Academic Library and College (others): $375 plus shipping cost and tax, within the US total for $400. Contact our distribution team at dvd@littlespainfilm.com
Public Library
***License for Public Library: $150 plus shipping cost and tax, within the US total for $175. Contact our distribution team at dvd@littlespainfilm.com
***Little Spain DVD Individual License is no more granted. Send any inquiries to our distribution team at dvd@littlespainfilm.com
“Little Spain shows that a documentary film need not be simplistically descriptive, but can be an aesthetic feat respecting the subtlety of the “moving” medium. Editing is a creative activity, a matter of aesthetic as well as informational choices; Balder’s documentary is a work of art, moving subtly between different situations and individuals, showing their relationship with formal acumen as well as empirical accuracy. “Little Spain” is a kind of masterpiece, in that it masters its subject matter even as it shows Balder’s mastery of his medium.”
El Cultural
July 28th, 2015
“El mejor regalo que he tenido estas navidades”
“Arthur Balder presenta Little Spain en un largo y minucioso reportaje. El mejor regalo que he tenido estas Navidades.”
Jan. 5th, 2015
“‘Little Spain’ a valuable addition to New York’s immigration history. Arthur Balder’s magnifying-glass perspective serves to build an original story arc. The takeaway is a community immigration story, as opposed to currently common solitary immigrant sagas.”
United Press International
Jan. 15th, 2015
“LITTLE SPAIN es una hazaña estética”
“Little Spain demuestra que un documental no tiene por qué ser simplistamente descriptivo, sino que puede ser una hazaña estética respetando la sutileza del medio en movimiento. La edición es una actividad creativa, una cuestión de decisiones estéticas así como informativas; el documental de Balder es una obra de arte, moviéndose sutilmente entre diferentes situaciones y personas, mostrando su relación con perspicacia formal así como con precisión empírica. Little Spain es una especie de obra maestra, pues domina la materia que trata al mismo tiempo que muestra la maestría de Balder sobre su medio.”
El Cultural
July 28th, 2015